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TUESDAY, MAY 3, 2011

CALL TO ORDER:  B. Boodry called the meeting to order at 7:30pm.  Members present:
B. Boodry, L. Leaden, J. Simmons, B. Piepho, S. Howard, S. Ward, S. Young, B. Woerner,
J. Ginnetty, and G. Petriccione.

Absent Member:  R. Carley

APPROVAL OF MINUTES:  A motion was made by S. Young, seconded by S. Ward, to approve the minutes of April 5, 2011 with the following amendments; page 1 under New Business, #2 Debris Management Meeting Summary/Invasive Plants Meeting Summary, line 4 change First Light will explore whether they can drop the operating level one foot; Page Two, second line, delete sentence, Ponding will be de-emphasized in 2011, and Page 2, line 7, add last year of the present debris removal program.  Motion was passed unanimously.


CHAIRMAN’S REPORT:  No report was given.

VICE CHAIRMAN’S REPORT:  G. Petriccione stated that delivery of the new boat is expected soon.  He also stated that he has signed the bill of sale for the Edgewater.

SECOND VICE CHAIRMAN’S REPORT:  J. Simmons reported that he is just about ready to launch LLA’s new website.  He stated that “Join the Lake Alert” supports text messaging and phone call capability for subscribers. He also reported that a blog is set up for new announcements.  The website also lists present meeting minutes, and past minutes are archived.  J. Simmons asked members to view the website and would welcome comments and add ons at the following address:

TREASURER’S REPORT:  No report was given.

A motion was made by S. Young, seconded by B. Woerner, to amend the agenda adding Correspondence as a new agenda item.  Motion was passed unanimously.

CORRESPONDENCE:  B. Boodry stated that he received the following correspondence; Town
of Southbury, CT Federation of Lakes, First Light, and State of CT DEP.

1.  FOTL – Save the Lake Day:  G. Bollard stated that “Save the Lake Day” is set for Saturday, June 18, 2011.  He encouraged all to participate in this event.  B. Boodry stated that he will add FOTL to LLA’s insurance rider for this event.  

Preliminary Lake Lillinonah Meeting Minutes-Tuesday, May 3, 2011                Page Two

A motion was made by S. Young, seconded by B. Woerner, to allocate a $250.00 donation to FOTL for “Save the Lake Day.”  Motion was passed unanimously.

2.  First Light Debris Survey Tour from April:  B. Boodry stated that First Light went on an
     early debris tour on April 15, 2011.    S. Young thought this survey would be a joint task.
    The debris survey listed general observations such as:
  • We estimate there is currently 1,000 cubic yards of debris either floating near or residing
along on the immediate shoreline.
  • The vast majority of the debris is directly attributed to the March 2011 flood event.
  • Approximately 80 percent of the debris resides between Shepaug Arm and the Dam.
  • Minimal floating debris within the navigational channel.
  • Noted five “vertical logs” within the navigational channel – 3 at Albert’s Cove and 2 at
the 5” curves.

    First Light’s skimmer status and initial skimming strategy as follows:
  • Skimmer should be ready for deployment into Lake Lillinonah the week of April 25.
  • Skimming activities are scheduled to commence shortly thereafter, weather and water conditions permitting.
  • Initially, skimming activities will be conducted near the dam until all systems are fully tested and operating satisfactory.
  • When available, a pontoon boat will also be deployed to work in concert with the skimmer.
  • The skimming crew will initially focus on capturing floating shoreline debris before it has an opportunity to float into the navigational channel.
  • After the floating debris is captured, the crew will start working within the coves and manually collecting debris residing on the shoreline.
    S. Young stated that if anyone sees and debris issues to email him and he will email David   

3.  Buoys – Repair & Installation:  S. Young reported that he has been in contact with Waters
     Edge and has agreed to new pricing this year.  Last year’s pricing per buoy was $25.00, and this
     year’s pricing has increased to $50.00 per buoy.  The per hour rate is $150.00.  He also reported
     that ten buoys are missing and are not visible from their present location.  Waters Edge will work
     with us on pricing.  S. Ward thanked S.Young for setting up this program.  S. Young will email
4.  DMAC Notes & Comments:   S. Young and B. Boodry stated that there are some comments
     that need to be corrected in the minutes. S. Young stated that First Light has been doing a better
     job and will continue to do better. A copy of these notes will be emailed to each member by
     B. Boodry for comments.  Comments will be submitted in writing to First Light by June 3, 2011.

Preliminary Lake Lillinonah Meeting Minutes-Tuesday, May 3, 2011                Page Three

1.  Zebra Mussel Update:  S. Ward stated that she met with Mark from CLA to find out what
     they were doing to educate people on Zebra Mussels.  S. Ward and G. Petriccione met with the
     printer CLA used for their brochure and he said that LLA could use their graphics and cover for
     our brochure.  S. Ward will simplify the brochure.  S. Ward asked if money could be allocated
     for the brochure.  CLA is not getting any more responsiveness from First Light.  S. Ward stated
     that the group reviewed the boat cleaning guide and putting signs up.  Signs were ordered for
     Candlewood only, but LLA signs are on order.  G. Petriccione stated that 100 signs were ordered
     incorrectly and all signs listed Candlewood.  DEP was to pay for these signs.  If LLA does not
     receive them in a sufficient amount of time; LLA will have to order on their own. LLA was to
     get 15 signs.  S. Ward stated that the DEP promised to conduct a second shift on LLA and Lake
     Zoar and the launch for doing voluntary compliance information to people.  Informational
     brochures are to be distributed to all towns as well as the Town’s Parks & Recreation
     Department, Library and Town Clerk’s Office.

2.  USGS Proposal:  S. Young met with USGS and had a presentation on their proposal.  He stated
     that this study will show where the water is flowing, how fast the water is flowing, water
     temperature, etc.  The study is targeted to whether or not internal loading could play a role in
     the nutrient budget for the lake and if conditions exist in certain times for it to occur. The goals
     of the objectives are as follows:

  • Acquire in-lake data to determine the nutrient concentrations and physical processes (velocity and mixing) in the lake that may affect occurrence and distribution of algae blooms.  
  • Determine if recycling (internal load) of phosphorus from lakebed sediments is a large source of Phosphorus to the Lake and points downstream (perhaps a seasonally important input).
  • Develop a conceptual model of the phosphorus cycling in Lake Lillinonah sediments.
Calculate potential phosphorus that could be released out of lake-bottom sediments.

    Approach for In-Lake Monitoring:
    All work will be done in midsummer and will be coordinated with a cycle of power generation.

  • Vertical profiles of basic field parameters—water temperature, specific conductance, DO, and pH—will be collected to examine stratification and mixing in the lake related to power generation.  Two profiles will be collected at each of the 4 lake sites visited during the prior study—one prior to, and one during power generation.
  • Lake profiling will be conducted using and autonomous underwater vehicle, (Ecomapper AUV) to obtain information on water-quality conditions from 4 areas in the Lake.  Information will be collected on water temperature, specific conductance, dissolved oxygen, pH, Chlorophyll a, Blue Green algae, and water velocity.
  • This data will be assembled into maps and images for use in later products describing the water quality of Lake Lillinonah.
Preliminary Lake Lillinonah Meeting Minutes-Tuesday, May 3, 2011                Page Four

  • Vertical velocity distribution will be examined using an Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) at a minimum of 2 locations in the lake.  Up-looking and down-looking ADCPs will be used to measure velocity in the Lake at different locations.  An unattended 15 to 30 day deployment will be made using the up looking ADCP to help evaluate velocity conditions near the bottom of the lake over a longer time period.
  • Samples for nutrients will be collected at the 4 locations in the lake to examine the concentrations and distribution of nutrients within the lake as well as for comparison to concentrations in the sediment.  These data will be used to evaluate concentration gradients between the sediment and the water column.  The data will also be used to relate the conditions during this year of the study to data collected during previous studies.
  • Samples of lakebed sediment will be collected and analyzed for total phosphorus, iron-bound phosphorus, and exchangeable phosphorus.
    A motion was made by S. Young, seconded by S. Ward, to accept the proposal from USGS in
     the amount of $9,500 for a joint study, which is half of the total $19,000, to be taken from the
     water quality bucket.  Motion was passed unanimously.

3.  Patrol Update:  B.Boodry stated that the docks went in the water last week, with minimal
     work needed on the anchors..  S. Young stated that K. Seeley will take boats to the gas stations
     for the first fill up..   S. Young discussed the performance incentive for patrol officers with
     K. Seeley.  Patrol officers that sign up for patrols would receive a $2.00 per hour raise over
     the next two years.  There would be a $1.00 per hour increase for this year for all patrols.   If the
     performance criteria is met (to sign up and show up for patrols) the officer will then be reviewed
     to receive the additional $1.00 per hour.   If the criteria is not met, they will not receive the
     additional $1.00 per hour.  S. Young stated that an application has been received for a new patrol

4.  Treasurer Vacancy:  B. Boodry stated that LLA has a treasurer vacancy.  L. Leaden stated that
     she would be willing to be the point person with assistance from bookkeeper.  She will report
     back to the members the fee for the bookkeeper.  The bookkeeper would also act as a signee.  
     This position will be voted on at next month’s meeting.  There was discussion on conducting a
     full audit.

5.  Water Quality Efforts for 2011:  There was nothing to report at this time.

6.  Vacancies:  B. Boodry stated that in addition to town member vacancies, there is one seat vacant
     in Brookfield.

ADJOURNMENT:  A motion was made by S. Young, seconded by L. Leaden, to adjourn the meeting.   The meeting was adjourned at 9:07 pm.